helldivers game

Best GPU for Helldivers

Diving into the chaotic and cooperative world of Helldivers offers an experience that’s both challenging and immensely rewarding. Set in a dystopian future, players join the Helldivers, an elite unit tasked with protecting humanity by battling alien threats on various frontiers. For an optimal gaming experience, the right hardware, particularly the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), is crucial. This post delves into the best GPUs for enjoying Helldivers in all its glory, along with tips and strategies to enhance your gameplay.

Understanding the Importance of a Good GPU

A good GPU ensures that Helldivers runs smoothly, with crisp visuals and minimal lag, enhancing your reaction time and immersion in the game’s detailed worlds. It processes the game’s graphics, rendering millions of polygons in real-time, which is essential for fast-paced action games. When choosing a GPU for Helldivers, consider not only the game’s minimum requirements but also the potential for future updates and other more demanding games you might play.

For Budget Gamers: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650

If you’re on a budget but still want to enjoy Helldivers with good performance, the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 is a solid choice. It’s capable of running the game at high settings without breaking the bank. This GPU strikes a balance between cost and performance, making it ideal for casual gamers who don’t require ultra settings.

For Mid-Range Systems: AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT

Gamers looking for a bit more power without venturing into the high-end territory might consider the AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT. This GPU offers excellent 1080p performance and can even handle 1440p in some cases. It’s a great pick for players aiming for higher frame rates without sacrificing visual quality.

For High-End Gaming: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070

For those who demand the best performance and wish to experience Helldivers in 4K or at ultra-high frame rates, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 is an excellent choice. It delivers outstanding performance, capable of running the game at the highest settings with smooth frame rates. Additionally, it supports ray tracing, adding to the game’s visual fidelity.

Gameplay Tips and Strategies

Master the Art of Stratagem Deployment

In Helldivers, stratagems are crucial for survival. They allow you to call in supplies, weapons, or even artillery strikes. Mastering their deployment can turn the tide of any battle. Always be aware of your surroundings and the mission objective when selecting which stratagems to bring along.

Communication is Key

Helldivers is a cooperative game at its core. Effective communication with your team can make missions significantly easier. Use voice chat or in-game signals to coordinate movements, target prioritization, and stratagem deployment.

Know Your Enemy

Each enemy faction in Helldivers has its strengths and weaknesses. Learning these can give you a strategic advantage. For example, the Cyborgs are vulnerable to anti-tank weapons due to their heavy armor, while the Illuminates require fast, agile tactics to counter their mind control abilities.

Utilize Terrain to Your Advantage

The terrain in Helldivers can be both a hindrance and an asset. Use it wisely to funnel enemies, set up ambushes, or protect objectives. Remember, certain terrains affect mobility and visibility, both for you and your enemies.

Practice Makes Perfect

Finally, the most effective way to improve your gameplay is simply to practice. Familiarize yourself with different weapons, stratagems, and enemy types. Play through missions multiple times to develop strategies that work best for you and your team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Helldivers a good game?

Yes, Helldivers is highly regarded for its challenging cooperative gameplay, strategic depth, and engaging multiplayer experience. Its mix of humor and tough gameplay mechanics makes it a favorite among players who enjoy teamwork-oriented games.

What is the concept of Helldivers?

Helldivers is a top-down, cooperative, twin-stick shooter game set in a dystopian future. Players are part of an elite intergalactic squad tasked with protecting humanity from alien threats. The game emphasizes teamwork, strategy, and the consequences of players’ actions in a procedurally generated universe.

Is Helldivers based on Starship Troopers?

While Helldivers is not officially based on Starship Troopers, it shares similar themes such as military satire, the war against alien species, and a dystopian society. The game’s atmosphere and narrative draw clear inspiration from the Starship Troopers franchise.

What platforms is Helldivers on?

Helldivers is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PC via Steam. It supports cross-play across these platforms, allowing players from different devices to play together.

Are Helldivers 2 servers down?

For real-time server status of Helldivers 2, it’s best to check the game’s official website or social media channels. Server status can vary due to maintenance or technical issues.

Are Helldivers clones?

No, Helldivers are not clones. They are elite human soldiers who volunteer to protect Super Earth and its ideals by fighting against alien species across the galaxy.

Are Helldivers 2 servers fixed?

For the most current information on the status of Helldivers 2 servers, including any fixes or updates, refer to the game’s official communication platforms.

Are Helldivers servers fixed?

Server issues, if any, for Helldivers tend to be addressed by the developers. For the latest updates on server status, checking the official game forums or social media accounts is recommended.

Are Helldivers the bad guys?

In Helldivers, players are part of an elite force fighting for Super Earth. The game presents its narrative with a satirical take on militarism and imperialism, leaving the interpretation of “good” or “bad” up to the player.

Are Helldivers 2 maps procedurally generated?

Yes, like the first game, Helldivers 2 features procedurally generated maps. This ensures that missions offer new challenges and environments, enhancing replayability.

Are Helldivers super soldiers?

Helldivers are depicted as highly trained and elite soldiers, equipped with advanced weaponry and technology, making them the front line in the defense of Super Earth against alien threats.

Are Helldivers 2 servers full?

Server capacity can fluctuate based on the number of players. It’s best to check current player counts or any official announcements for the most accurate information.

Are Helldivers 2 servers still down?

To check the current status of Helldivers 2 servers, visit the game’s official website or social media channels for updates directly from the developers.


Choosing the right GPU is crucial for enjoying Helldivers to its fullest, whether you’re on a budget, looking for mid-range performance, or need high-end power. Remember, the key to success in Helldivers lies not just in having the right hardware but also in mastering the game’s mechanics and working effectively as a team. Equip yourself properly, communicate with your squad, and dive into the action with confidence. Happy gaming!

Check out the Best GPUs on Amazon. *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Hey, it’s Mark here from GPUBlog.com. If you’re into gaming and curious about GPUs, you’ve landed in the right spot. Before I dove headfirst into the world of GPUs, I was selling HDDs, SSDs, and Flash Drives. This experience gave me a solid grounding in chip and processor specs, knowledge I’m eager to share with you.

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